Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont

9275 Tremont Rd.

Townsend, TN 37882

Contact Information:

Erin Rosolina (Marketing Manager)
(865) 448-6709


In partnership with Great Smoky Mountains National Park, our mission is to deliver experiential learning for youth, educators, and adults through programs that promote self-discovery, critical thinking, and effective teaching and leadership. From our home in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, our research and residential programs investigate the diversity that sustains all life, develop a sense of place, and cultivate a stewardship ethic that will influence lifelong decision-making. We have been connecting people and nature for over 50 years.

Description of Organization:

In partnership with Great Smoky Mountains National Park, our mission is to deliver experiential learning for youth, educators, and adults through programs that promote self-discovery, critical thinking, and effective teaching, and leadership. We believe that education creates lasting positive change for people and our planet.

From our home in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, our research and residential programs investigate the diversity that sustains all life, develop a sense of place, and cultivate a stewardship ethic that will influence lifelong decision-making.

Education Programs:

In school - Class time or virtual programs, Field Trips (day trips or overnight), Camps (summer, fall break or spring break)

Field Trips – Residential Trip: (4th Grade-College) -- Through overnight, immersive experiences, living and learning inside the walls of a national park, Tremont provides learning that is all about experience. Step outside. Explore and ask questions. Lots of them. Learn to think problems through. Come up with new ideas. Test those ideas. Try something new together. A Tremont experience can be life-changing.

Educator Progams:

Teacher Escape Weekend ($88): At Teacher Escape Weekends, teachers find inspiration from other educators, share ideas, and practice experiential learning activities that they can take back to the classroom. Time together will include exploration, reflection, and collaboration with other like-minded educators about ways to get kids curious.

The Schoolyard Network Monthly Gatherings (Free-Virtual): The Schoolyard Network provides a collaborative space where we model best experiential-learning practices through professional development sessions, hearty discussion, and shared success stories.

Schoolyard Escape ($35): This one day, in-person get together in a local schoolyard supports educators across Knox County in strategies to take teaching and learning from four walls to no walls.

Schoolyard Walks ($150/teacher team): We know that teaching and learning outside can be impactful, but we also know that teachers sometimes struggle to incorporate the outdoors into their curriculum. That’s why we created Schoolyard Walks, tailored professional development in your schoolyard. Thanks to generous funding from the Arconic Foundation, we’re offering a customized workshop for your teachers and staff in your schoolyard! We aim to help teachers find new ways to connect students and standards to nature, taking learning from four walls to no walls.

Website and Social Media: