Land Stewardship Coalition

Contact Information:

Gerry Moll



Through community engagement, education, and habitat restoration we strive to forge a deep connection between residents and the natural, wild world where we live.  We support each other in protecting the vitality of our neighborhood’s unique urban ecosystem by engaging strategies, and best practices for creating physical and cultural habitat for sustained ecological health and beauty.

Neighborhood land stewardship groups are ultimately about expanding our relationships. Just as we have relationships with people, we have relationships with the other plants, animals, and life of all kinds that inhabit our neighborhoods. We depend on each other and the land for our well-being. stewardship is about taking care of this relationship. The good news is that working together, building relationships, and taking care of each other and the land is fun, dynamic and life sustaining.

A land stewardship group in your neighborhood will almost certainly look different than other neighborhood groups, but groups will generally share a common ethic.
Neighborhood Land Stewardship ethic:
Through community engagement, education, and habitat restoration we strive to forge a deep connection between residents and the natural, wild world where we live.

We support each other in protecting the vitality of our neighborhood’s unique urban ecosystem by engaging strategies, and best practices for creating physical and cultural habitat for sustained ecological health and beauty.

Education Programs:

Student Education – listed catagories all possibilities for land Stewardship group activity.

Program Details:

This is determined by the specific group. We are working on building a coalition of groups.


All of the placemaking examples in the question above are possibilities for neighborhood land stewardship groups to engage with.

Educator Programs:

This is determined by the specific group. We are working on building a coalition of groups.

Website and Social Media: