Keep the Tennessee River Beautiful
2329 Duncan Rd
Knoxville, TN 37919
Contact Information:
Jackson Dyke
(865) 371-8939
We educate and inspire people to take action to create a clean, healthy, beautiful Tennessee River for generations to come. A 501c3 nonprofit and is the first Keep America Beautiful affiliate in the nation to focus solely on a river. Our mission is to rally communities along the Tennessee River and its tributaries to preserve, improve and protect the river for generations to come.
Education Programs:
Student Education – In school, class time or virtual programs (classroom activities, lesson plans in the works)
Understanding the types of litter that enters the watershed, teaching about single-use plastics, animal conservation
Field Trips (day trips or overnight):
River cleanup field-trips for schools, links and lesson plan in the works
Adult Education – Through a variety of stewardship and awareness programs, we educate and inspire residents living within the Tennessee River watershed to take action for their river.
River Cleanups - River cleanups are for all ages with many learning opportunities –
Educational events that showcase our rivers and the wildlife affected by it, for example:
Educational Festival focusing on the conservation of freshwater mussels through an interactive outdoor event -
Classroom Lectures
Outdoor Cleanup Education
Public Educational events
Website and Social Media: